Power Lead System – Affiliate Marketing Tips And Tricks To Increase Your Online Revenue

Okay good so we should be going live right now guys let me uh let me check to make sure that the audio is working good hey Brian can you hear me buddy can you achieve over on the on the phone and you hit me with a quick message on the phone if he can hear me that way I can I can just get the PowerPoint rollin and go hold on a second yeah we’re good okay good thank you very much my friend
Brian Bracken our technology guru helps us hook up the codes on these pages now if you’re if you’re an affiliate or even a prospect just getting started with what power lead system know that the page that you’re watching this on there’s a different variations of these pages some affiliates create their own they’re great designers in their own right but every single affiliate has access to a couple designs of this very page so you can do what we do you can
Invite your customers your affiliate teammates your prospects to free training and tonight Wednesday 10 o’clock every single Wednesday at 10 o’clock we go live with a power lead system weekly overview hangout cycle webinar session I’m about to go on screen share and show you in in some slides a clear path of blueprint a marketing plan for you if you will if you want to treat this as a reselling affiliate like a virtual franchise in
The sky up on the net your own little virtual franchise but we wrote a specific game plan for you without having to reinvent the wheel without having to reinvent beautiful funnels and all of the beautiful things that you can do with the product inside of power lead system we created some for you in fact we’ve just launched like four new funnels on top of the three basic ones that we have for you inside anyway this page is one page in that system the
Thursday night training that we do tomorrow night live plays on its own version of this kind of a page to every single affiliate has access for free not have to pay any extra money to those pages and our four new funnels that we announced and the three basic funnels that I talked about in this presentation in this very coaching I walk you through blueprint on earning five hundred to a thousand dollars per day on the internet making those five
Hundred dollar days happen making a one thousand dollar day happened I’m not saying guaranteed every single day I’m saying the system that you need to lay down the activities you need to take the work you need to do to work some magic into these marketing funnels so that the system and the funnels themselves this very training can deliver $500 days for you on the internet $1000 days and I’m not talking about the kind of $500 day on the internet where you have to run
Around and get 750 customers to buy something from me I’m not talking about that kind of $500 day it’s out there I guess another models but I like to do things with a lot less drama a lot less stress so you can actually automate leverage and simplify and have a life that you enjoy showcase that you having fun while your business systems you’re still an entrepreneur you’re still going twenty to seven twenty four seven four hours a day I don’t know how you want to
Build your business but you can build it around your lifestyle and still have the right kind of activity pointing new leads and prospects all the time potential buyers into your information delivery systems we call them marketing funnels right they deliver the video presentations they deliver the information they deliver the training the getting started to where to get traffic how to get set up all that stuff is done for you this Wednesday overview
Is a clear example of that where I’m doing it for you right you just have to send me your people on your page they watch the presentation they learn they take action they buy they upgrade they go all in they do whatever they’re gonna do because they see value and they want as free selling affiliates guys they want to get positioned to earn affiliate Commission’s as well so they take action and you get paid on that and we run that for you that’s the kind of blueprint I
Want to show you 500 all the days how about this with one customer a thousand dollar day online with one customer or a couple two or three customers that sound better that’s pretty cool right there’s a lot of people out there running around this rodeo this make money from home home-based business affiliate marketing internet marketing info product marketing coaching marketing color whatever you want to call it marketing there’s people already out
There and they’re looking for really good offers to promote they’re looking for whether they have established a buyers list or a prospect list email SMS text messaging or not maybe they just have a small beginner YouTube audience or nothing from scratch they want to learn and they see this offer and they really liked the way we trained on the back end the tools we deliver the funnels we give them the stuff they don’t have to reinvent and we have a
Marketing plan that walks him into $500 days just by having people watch this video and learn about it and position themselves in the comp plan to do it as affiliates that’s pretty cool stuff so that’s what I like to do on this overview now I’m gonna go through it in the coaching session does that get started to go screen share here below just remind you as we’re just high it’s just me and you man eyeball to eyeball right just talking shop talking here’s
The thing a lot of people ask well how do I get started what do I have to do and then you know the fact that you are here lets you know that our marketing system already works you’re already at the Hangout page you probably if you want to learn more about the details about the product line then you’ve probably already come through that link and if you haven’t if this is the very first piece of information that your inviter
Gave to you then sit back relax enjoy the show it’s the overview hang out tonight 500 a 1000 dollar day blueprint with one or two customers online using this system as a reselling affiliate power lead system that’s what we talked about here and if you want to know that details about the product line get back to your inviter they have what we call an affiliate link to a marketing funnel a system of information delivery and that sends you to a video that’s only
Like five and a half minutes there’s one funnel that’s got like a five and a half minute video the other one has like an eight and a half minute video like short videos that teach you how the system works what the product is everything that you get inside the tool suite and how you can use it to create part-time or up to full time and beyond income inside of eight and a half minutes guys then on some of the same funnel if you just
Scroll down a little bit or click to the next video or the next page however it’s laid out there are some beautiful funnels out there inside a power lead system that sell it but then there’s a compensation plan overview video that’s only three and a half minutes and it shows you how you can create a part-time to full-time to six-figure and beyond income just promoting the power elite system the affiliate comp plan how it runs
Okay so product details and comp plan details click the buttons below get back to your inviter get that information on their affiliate link for the system so that way I’m free I’m not shackled you have not handcuffed I can just go free and show you how to make 500 or 1,000 bucks online with this system on the net is that cool can we do that alright let’s let’s cut to that what I’m gonna do I’m gonna go on screen share guys and I’m gonna break this down for you real
Quick okay hold on one second let me go on screen share there we go let’s show this one share alright sharing is caring I present to everyone there we go hide this message all right so we’re ready we are reti this is a look at when you first log in I’ll walk you through this in a second but when you first log into power lead system if you’re gold member you’re gonna see this in your back-office very first page right you
Have a couple of options this is where we announce some very important updates and this page pops up until you click either one of these buttons one of them you click here to see these particular updates on my next login let’s say you’re in a hurry you just want to check your leads run some traffic create a quick capture page check your funnel check your contact manager you want to get to work you want to get to work follow up with
Some leads right so you don’t have time right now to review all the new updates but you want to see it next time you log in click on the top button if you already saw these right we just added four new pls sales funnels this takes you to the page that shows them to you and shows you how to get them how to install them for free guys hey you’re paying 97 bucks or $250 $500 design fees to have professional designers design sexy pages for you you can put them into
Power lead system yourself you can do that all day long or learn how to do it yourself give you access to the training where you can do it yourself but a lot of people are entrepreneurial mindsets and what they do is they have an idea they’ve seen a template or something they want to recreate in their own image right so they get that and they give that to a designer that’s better at making stuff look sexy online and they
Say look I want to create a funnel-like this two pages three pages four pages I’ve got the layout can you just take these inside of pls and make it look sexy right people hire designers to do it for you well we have some people that are designers inside a power elite system and they’re building new funnels for us and pages and designs and templates for sales presentation pages lead creation pages all kinds of stuff right I’m gonna create those they create
What we call share codes and sometimes they’re so good and loved by ownership and the leaders and the beginners and all that that they create them and they install them inside of power lead system as default new funnels new sales marketing systems for everyone to use they make the share codes available to everybody okay that’s when the company gets behind stuff now we don’t like to create that kind of dependency on people the whole product here is the tool suite
Where you can learn either use our templates or design your own all right so we don’t do that all the time we don’t have that expectation deliver to anybody but when we do it’s really really cool because these are for reselling affiliates primarily and so we can use them to feed the affiliate army so they can better improve their results reselling power lead system to other aspiring and existing affiliate marketers that makes sense right all
Right we create funnels to have it sell itself that’s pretty cool we give that to the whole affiliate army other people come in here and man they create some fantastic looking designs and they sell them rights okay they come in they’re entrepreneurs I’m gonna create my own intellectual capital right I’m gonna create my designs and I’m gonna use them for myself I’m gonna give them to my team or I’m gonna sell them to affiliates in general if they want this
Share code pay me 97 bucks or whatever you know so you can do whatever you want with this you can create your own business within a business inside of power Lisa what I’m telling you is that man there’s freedom for entrepreneurs inside a power lead system we’re not going to sit on you and tell you do it this way do it that way but when we do create some outstanding funnels for the affiliate army at large we announce them right here so right
Here it says just added four new pls sales funnels and this page we open this guy up and there’s a video that tells you exactly how to install these funnels into your own back office all right gives you the share code right here too this one gives you the share code right here that one gives you the share code right here does that one gives it a share code right here to have that one and also here we created a new bridge page template that you can use as is
Just use it cell with it promote with it and generate prospects with it and later or now if you’ve got the skill and the mojo you can take the template create your own video for it and bam you have a beautiful look a new bridge page template and remember one template can be used for a million different things you can use it to present to teach on the comp plan teach on the product sell roses and New York City on Times Square I don’t I don’t care what you do with
These but once you have these templates see the template here once you have these templates you can do anything you want with it you can build an entire sales funnel using this template all you got to do is if you want the getting started video or where to get traffic video or here’s how to duplicate and clone this funnel video right you just keep dropping videos and buttons under video into the next video headline right watch video number two and then drop a
New video and they drop another button click here to buy it click here for the lead lightening click here for my my business click here for my travel deal click here to buy Bitcoin what I mean whatever you’re selling guys but you can keep dropping content videos buttons images headlines information under this and make it as long as you want or make it as short as you want or just make it a quick intro click the button and get them to your selling funnel page
Whatever that is so anyway I’m not here to teach on this tonight but I’m here to show you where these announcements are found and where you can find the share codes to new funnels all of the time it’s pretty amazing stuff pretty cool that we’re not asking to pay additional for these for these new product creations pretty cool stuff anyway that’s where to find that and then if there’s other updates it’s always right here says
Watch this video right the pls power chat there’s another interview series where we take people that are making a lot of money within power lead system we have them interviewed and all of those interviews get put on a page and it’s a page just like this one that you’re on right now that has your selling buttons underneath it so you can use it to send your prospects to it and go hey look I got a simple way to teach and give you everything you need to build a full time
Income on the Internet we even have an affiliate marketing school to teach it and in that school we teach you how to crank out five hundred and one thousand dollar days on the net with one or two customers imagine doing that a couple of times a week right so in addition to that we have a series of interviews of people that are doing exactly that you can hear their story and how they did it go to my pls power chat page right here and you give them
Your link to it and they go to your page where it’s the same interviews that we’re doing for you but the button on the bottom says hey if you love this interview you’re ready to join my team click this button and a button tracks the sale – you see what I’m saying we’re always doing like that stuff like that for you to help you be more productive as a reselling affiliate of power lead system is that sound cool this is part of the selling funnel the back end
Marketing okay something it says right here recently released we are very proud to announce our powerful new comp plan created to put more money in your pocket faster while creating huge retention see it here a few months ago the beginning of the year we made updates to our comp plan took away all the pass ups so you’re but you’re still getting 50% match on anybody you bring in front line that’s generating monthly residual income on the membership fees you have
20 bucks per member per month on our part price point is 53 bucks as an affiliate 30 bucks as a customer you still get 20 bucks no matter what per-member per-month all frontline now when those frontline affiliates chew to also create that kind of membership income for themselves the company sends you in addition to paying them whatever they’re owed you get a 50% match on whatever they’re making with no limits on how wide you can go meaning you can
Invite as many people as you want to your frontline affiliate team and there’s no caps on how much money they can be making where you get 50% of it if they’re making a thousand bucks you’re gonna get five hundred bucks a month if they’re making ten thousand or a hundred thousand dollars a month in booked residual income monthly membership income you’re getting half of whatever they’re making there’s no caps on so that’s a very very powerful part of the
Comp plan not a lot of people understand but it’s so simple it’s like the computer only asked two questions let me come off camera and talk to you about just this part before I go on show time mode so the computer only has two questions that’s just the 50% match part of the comp plan guys let me just drill on this this week okay the computer asked one question first who whose link did this new affiliate who’s making monthly residual income whose link did
They click to get started if it’s your link it’s booked as your frontline affiliate all right that’s it they’re yours forever question number two how much money is that guy making how much money is that gal making over there residual monthly income on membership fees she’s got like a thousand customers $20 per member per month times a thousand twenty thousand bucks a month so how much do you get as their sponsor every single month the 50% match on 20
Grand is ten grand it’s simple two questions what whose link did that person click on to get started because they’re coded they are the sponsor that’s gonna get the 50% match and question number two how much money is that affiliate makin oh two thousand bucks well then this guy gets a thousand bucks every single month they do that if they make more he gets for his 50% climbs two women they make less it goes down but
It’s their 50% match pretty I mean come on yeah that’s that’s pretty cool stuff again right for those of you they’re experienced in these kind of affiliate programs I’m trying to let you know here that it is not the usual five to six dollars per member per month on a monthly price point people are selling 150 to 200 bucks a month they gotta buy to make five or six bucks I’m not bashing it I’m just saying that’s
Usually the norm in this kind of payout with this affiliate marketing plan it’s not five or six bucks per member per month we affiliates we get twenty bucks per member per month and it’s not on the $200 price point it is on a fifty three dollar price point if they want to be affiliates be smart the affiliates but if they just want to be a customer it’s only thirty bucks a month to be a customer use of the whole gold membership thirty bucks a month as a
Customer you don’t get paid on the complex understand that you get the power of all of the product tools suite for 30 bucks a month that’s still massive value as an affiliate you get paid the same either way with a thirty or fifty three you’re getting the twenty per member per month and then when you build it let me just give you a vision when you use our funnels and plug them into this educational system that teaches this and simplifies it and
Leverages it because I’m doing it not you systemize is it because you have a page to lead people to you don’t have to do one-on-ones at Denny’s or a diner or their their living room or your kitchen or whatever right you can if you want to offline it’s all good but if you don’t want to even send them to a page and have this video run for you I don’t get paid from your compound eyes right as far as you’re concerned you could run as much traffic here as many prospects as
This training will take which is infinite and you earn the Commission’s per so because when they click on that button beneath this video it’s on your page you get paid now when you build an army that way by duplicating keeping stuff simple using the system being a product of the product meaning this system I’m just talking to resell and Fillies for right now customers go have fun with the product right but reselling affiliates let’s have some shop Talk
Here I want to teach you how to simplify automate and leverage so that you can live a cool life have stuff happening on with automation and leverage and simplicity online 24/7 that gets you paid in additional recurring monthly income with some big-ticket benefits on the inside to you some of you guys already know there’s a way on the inside you can get positioned as an affiliate to lead them to this video and now you’re cranking $100
Commission’s $1,000 Commission’s 400 dollar Commission’s person that’s full-time income real quick I’m just talking about the $20 per member per month bread-and-butter complan where you still get a 50% let me take your vision expand a little bit more so you go to work for a solid year I don’t care how tough let’s compare so we know it’s a Marine Corps boot camp who cares all right you want tough we can show you tough I
There’s I don’t know do 50 pushups run three miles that’s pretty tough right but for most people right now but what we do here let’s let’s say you one year you give us a year of Education and action learn how to do something and do it don’t worry about teaching anybody just to learn how to do something and do it well how do I teach my team lead them to this video so we can teach them how to do something and have them do it all right now you got duplication automated
Automation leverage simplicity optimize this thing guys optimize this thing now so let’s track on through let let’s March force March down right one gear so now you have an affiliate army that’s being plugged into the system they got a funnel they don’t have to reinvent the wheel they have education they have trippin Wednesday and Thursday and it’s 24/7 running on their own page and they’re running traffic they’re slamming traffic at the offline online Facebook
Instagram they’re all over the place getting prospects they’re wearing a t-shirt with their brand on it internet cash Rox go to my site calm get some free training learn how to make money online right and you brand yourself oh you do whatever you got to do man offline online you’re an entrepreneur you can do whatever you got to do so online offline you’re generating prospects before a year you build an affiliate army for a year don’t come
Start screaming at me after a week why ain’t I rich Reiko for a year don’t talk to me don’t breathe come up for air just learn how to do some basic like three three little tactics to get leads and do it for a year did I say for a year long enough for a year right now look but let’s now let’s have some vision let’s walk into your future it’s been a year now now you have an affiliate army
Of about 50 to 100 people under you frontline let’s just say it’s 100 let’s just say I’m not saying it’s gonna be I’m just saying let’s just say easy numbers right easy numbers Russ easy numbers so we got an affiliate army of a hundred people let’s say on average they’re making about I don’t know 500 bucks let’s let’s just keep it there 500 bucks so 500 500 bucks average per month I’m just saying let’s just play a
Little bit 500 times 100 people you got 365 days you know a hundred people with our automation just I’m telling you get out of the garage tinkering with websites just slam traffic the funnels we give you and make sure they come to this training use this precise I mean tonight’s training in your training please and let people hear this hear this vision out a little bit then we’ll get some slides and all that fun stuff I do that every week anyway
It’s already recorded in the archives so that cannot be right guys if you put a hundred people front line and you help them let’s not use 500 bucks a month that’s too scary I’ll do it later 100 people and let’s cut that in half and they’re just averaging like 250 bucks on month yeah let’s just say 250 bucks ah saying it’s gonna be like that guys but let’s 100 affiliates shield simple freedom 100 affiliates times 250 bucks
Average they they your your club your homies and homegirls your homies that’s universal right guys norms your homies in the club your affiliate army these these warriors are getting paid twenty-five thousand bucks a month if they just average my 250 bucks I’m alright they’re getting paid 250 that’s a total of $25,000 in your organization of which divided and you guys know the math divided by 50% Eaton’s and there we go 25,000 divided
By 2 you get twelve thousand five hundred dollars who’s going to go out there and run around do whatever it takes offline online I don’t care if you’re putting Flyers on windshields guys going to severely old school it doesn’t matter to me got a price point let’s just say got a price point of fifty three dollars to be an affiliate here you get tremendous technology tools but you walk into a lot of automated funnels that are already created for you
And this education and we tell you where to get traffic and we tell you how to market on Facebook inside of our training that I’m gonna get you right now right we do you don’t have to reinvent everything anything you just have to take the message to humans that’s your job take our message hey Joe are you open to a simple fun way to make money online hey Joe are you open to making money online are you making money on the internet yet
Sally you’re not I have a furry school that teaches how to make money on the internet are you open to making some cash online you’re taking that message to homo sapiens sapiens to humans that’s all we do and then you put them on this information you let them begin to walk through the info that’s all you’re doing and then you’re edifying you go what’s that about all it’s about a simple way to make money online did you go to the training did you go through the funnel
It’s pretty basic it’s only fifty three bucks and pays twenty bucks per member per month and I can show you how to get a hundred people on your deep right because you can show them this video hundred people on your team and there we go you’re averaging two hundred bucks 250 bucks a month that’s twenty five thousand dollars in your organization you’re getting half of that just in the 50% match a low 12500 and people are running around
Looking for 17 different programs to promote you know I’m just saying promote as many as you want we don’t care it’s alright I’m talking about what’s already here if you want to add that offer to your affiliate portfolio I’m never gonna say no don’t do it I’m never gonna say no always absolutely put everybody in pls are you kidding me if you just understood the value of the 50% match alone on $53 memberships that
Paid 20 bucks per member per month with a 50% frontline override monthly matching bonus every month that’s cool now having said that let me take you inside let me take you inside where I show you how to make five hundred bucks a day or a thousand bucks a day with one customer that’s not even talking about your monthlies and your 50% match I want to get that out of the way quick is that cool can I do that alright guys so anyway now having said that let me let
Me go back inside let me go back in my church’s here back in my in my foxhole my fire hope and show you how this thing is laid out hold on one second do you guys smell money around here man I smell some residual income in your future if you just paid attention to that part alone alright so anyway we have it right here right so if you want to see how the comp plan is laid out then go see the complan
Video now you know the page that you’re watching right now we have a page that is just for the compensation plan alone present let me see if I can bring it up let me show you that page so I think I created one that’s like money dot join Franko dot-com it could be your domain right you put on your own domain but let me just show you the page yeah there it is this you have this page available this is a default page is not a fancy page that I created or anything like
That with share code this is a page that’s already in your back-office all you got to do is get a domain like join George calm or whatever get a domain name and then set up we show you how to set up a free sub domain to point to this exact page and you can call it money or complan or cash right show people the money they a lot of people ask what’s the complain here and so it’s nice to have a nice little link easy to spell
Easy to remember that’s the key with domain names always if you’re a marketer easy to spell easy to remember like this one money dot your domain comm and then they come to this page it says watch this video comp plan right look at that three and a half minutes it teaches you the comp plan they can click the button and start right there if there are prospects so you can send your prospects here but then it breaks it down with images right refer three your gold
Membership is free did you know that about our comp plan I mean if you break it down fifty three bucks a month for an affiliate you’re getting paid twenty bucks per member per month well if you refer three that’s sixty bucks a month your pay your membership only cost fifty three bucks guys so if you want this for free forever just refer three customers three people three affiliates don’t matter what they buy you’re still gonna pay the same right beyond that you start
Making an additional income unlimited you can go wide to get as many customers as you want get as many affiliates directory as you want right you make twenty bucks per month on all pay line sales all right so now you refer Joe Joe comes at Joe’s pay line grows I just talked about this the fifty percent match I just talked about this how about you go on you show this to Joe Joe’s like man I’ve been looking for a system like this for a long time many moons my
Werewolf friend my little vampire right many moons I’ve been looking for a system like this let me get up and going I’m gonna put my team on to this and he does and his pay line grows to a thousand bucks a month that’s Joe not you but you invited him in so now you collect a fifty percent matching bonus on Joe’s entire pay line so Joe’s making thousand bucks a month guess what that’s a $500 monthly bonus check to you amigo Amiga right compadre go madre you make a
Fifty percent matching bonus from the entire pay line of all of your referrals as an owner this is where you make more money right as an owner of any of our final three products you’ll receive the following comp plan benefits check this out as an affiliate people get into the back office and they find million dollar secret to get unlimited free advertising right they find free ad secrets this is a training course that teaches you how to create how to be the
Owner the manager of your own traffic cooperative a traffic program that it teaches you how to create a traffic stream that you can give to any other affiliate or your teammates or whatever but it teaches you how to be the creator of these kind of traffic co-ops how to run them so that a your traffic is free because they’re you know they they’re buying a spot in your co-op you learn how to run traffic so you run it for them you give them a share they pay 50
Bucks or 100 bucks or whatever depending on what you want to do with it but in that you space your own traffic cost in there so as the owner of the traffic co-op you’re selling them traffic they’re getting what they don’t know how to do they’re getting traffic on autopilot they’re paying a good decent price for it they’re happy as buyers you’re happy too because in the spread you get your own paid traffic paid by them so you’re getting your own paid
Traffic for free by learning the skill set that has value of running a traffic co-op for other people notice I didn’t just say your team it could be just for your team but you could just go into the affiliate market at large and say I don’t care what biz op you’re selling you need this kind of money-making make money from home traffic anyway if you want to buy a share in my traffic co-op it’s gonna cost you X amount of money if you’re on my direct line team and power
Lead system it’ll cost you 50 percent discount less but if you’re just out there I’m still gonna send you good quality traffic at a great price get a share of my color I’m just saying you can do that as an entrepreneur alright where do you learn how to do that that’s what you learn how to do it inside of this course free ad secrets it’s 147 dollars one-time no monthly fee you as an affiliate of pls your people that you recruit that you sell to they
Go to their back-office they see this course they’re like wow just heard Frank we’ll talk about that imma get that 147 man that’s I can flip that around and double that in profits with just one co-op probably way more than that right so it’s worth paying 147 one time to learn this skill set it’s got value in the marketplace so they do when they buy it guess what you earn a hundred bucks for do nothing they see it in
Their back office or they come to this video and they see it here I sold it they go buy it but they’re in your front line so you get paid how would you like me selling this 24/7 on this video and you get a hundred bucks a pop every single time now they go out and they begin to sell it as affiliates they get the hundred dollar frontline Commission guess what because you’re their sponsor there’s a level to pay out every time your frontline team makes a hundred
Bucks on this you make $25 overwrites that’s 25% guys that’s pretty cool that’s robust right that’s that’s a cool complan two-tier affiliate marketing no twists and turns or crazy stuff just straight-up direct sales paying two-tier affiliate direct sales 147 price point $100 front line Commission $25 override is that pretty cool all right so the next one our Platinum level teaches you how to make money on social networks it’s for ninety seven one time
No monthly fee as an affiliate when your customers or affiliates are in their back office and we sell it for you like this video right here they watch this video they like what I want that alright well now if you own it you’re qualified to earn the four hundred dollar Commission on the frontline sale that’s four hundred dollar Commission on a 497 that is robust that is a good solid payout on a 497 price point that you did not have to create maintain host nothing
You just promoted to it promoting to the system send them to this educational video we train them up and we show them what else is back there that they can get paid on and a lot of people get it now the level to pay out on this is 50 bucks so when your frontline affiliates begin to sell this they get the 400 you’re their sponsor two-tier payout two levels of pay off 450 so you get 50 bucks on every time your line affiliate sells it remember I’m
Trying to get you an affiliate army of a hundred people under you in a year if we do that you’re making a lot more than full-time income if you’re taking some actions right and then we have the master level master level teaches you everything you need to know about generating traffic on the internet and even offline email marketing postcard marketing internet social media video marketing it’s a full course master traffic Institute our master-level 1497
One-time no monthly fees you get as an affiliate $1,000 per sale on this so somebody goes to their back office sees the value in this video wants to go all-in they need they have a need to become masters of traffic generation because that’s where your lead flow is gonna come from anyway and on the internet she who can master generating leads controls her whole darn enterprise everything if you can just learn how to run traffic targeted traffic and
Generate leads you can sell anything on the internet that’s what we show you how to how to do inside of this selling course on how to sell on the internet and generate traffic so one thousand dollars they go to their back office they’re on your front line they see this they want it they want to master bean traffic generators they buy this fifteen hundred bucks one time so they know hey as an affiliate as I refer my team in here I refer a couple of people to buy
This thing and I got all my money back and I have a fifteen hundred dollar course on mastering traffic well open the floodgates Roger let’s go right so they start generating more traffic they generate more sales this is gonna pay for itself their vision it’s gonna pay for itself and it’s going to give me an additional income stream of one thousand dollars per sale on a fifteen hundred price point that’s awesome payout and two hundred dollar overrides on level
Two so if they only have like five people in their front line sell this in any given month right like five different affiliates make a sale whatever you know one of them makes two sales or whatever they get their affiliates make like five sales in a month well that’s 200 times five that’s a thousand bucks in your pocket from other people’s efforts see the way we have this automated and simplified and
Leveraged for you and all you got to do is invite people to learn about a fun way to make money online and put them onto this affiliate marketing school that you are in right this second watching this video and I show them where the values that they go to their back-office they buy it and you get paid so that’s the comp plan my friend I told you about the 20 bucks per member per month I told you about the 50% matching bonus on
Their monthly recurring I told you about the hundred dollar Commission Diamond level I told you about the four hundred dollar commission and the fifty dollar level twos on the platinum level and the master level gets you one thousand dollars per sale that’s one customer buying one product you make a thousand bucks in your pocket what if somebody else bought social profit Academy that same day you make a 400 dollar profit like like Linda Cromar did today
Congratulations Linda I saw you I saw that guess what Linda Cromar is on my front line so a sale from one of her her prospects one of her teammates one of her buyers on her email list saw enough value they bought the Platinum level social profit Academy they paid one-time four hundred ninety seven bucks that course is going to show him how to get that back tenfold because they’re also an affiliate they can make a couple of referrals and get
That money back double their money but anyway so Linda made that sale today Linda got four hundred dollars I got 50 bucks I didn’t do nothing Linda did the work she’s been doing the work with her list and with her marketing with her business one of her buyers Paul I believe the gentleman’s name is Paul welcome Paul thank you for your purchase we appreciate your business let’s help build your team all right so Paul buys it Linda gets paid 400 I’m
Sitting around with my kids ride just bopping around the house you know doing stuff here there whatever and then I see hey I got paid too I got 50 bucks for doing it absolutely well I did do some stuff in my business but now for this sale right now is all Paul and Linda’s work but I got $50 level to override can you imagine multiplying that by 50 or a hundred and there’s leverage in this in this program guys and that’s
What I’m trying to trying to envision here with you so anyway this is the comp plan review page pretty cool stuff let me get back into it start this screen the screen share real quick with the PowerPoint and give some basic information on how to get started with these $500 days online right but we covered I wanted to cover that stuff today because we haven’t talked about that in a long time and it was dude so let’s go to the beginning so we’ve been
Talking about this a little bit how you can do this kind of production with power lead system just feeding them into this educational system using your funnel whatever funnel your sponsor gave you whatever funnel you got from the system in follow up you send them to free training here on Wednesday nights but notice once it’s on your page like this it plays 24/7 so you can send traffic to this page whenever you want also tomorrow the Thursday night
Tactical training I take one lead generation skill set one marketing tactic and we talked about it for an hour free internet marketing school and that’s on a page similar to this and it plays 24/7 forever 24/7 forever pretty cool right so you can always lead people into these the cool part about power elite systems so let’s break this down a little bit if you got question that was last week July 3rd today is what July what 10th
Something like that what’s the date you like to look at my phone this is live hold on one second July 10 right now seven days ago all right cool so July 10 if you have any questions about this coaching training the best way to get your questions answered I’m talking about the best way yeah you can go back to your sponsor that’s cool but sometimes they got a full-time job or they’re living the vida loca they’re under yacht right now with Frank Calabro
Jr. some Rob Frasier some other maniac that’s making like 8,000 figures online with this thing right and they’re out there partying having fun they can’t get back to you owes me my sponsors too rich or too broke they don’t call me back right that’s what we’re here for my friend look at me look me dead in the eyeball right now into the laptop you see me I am your sponsor Luke I am your father Luke right don’t worry about that we’ll help you get up and running watch
Give me five minutes but if you have questions the best way to get your questions answered is punch that button under this video in the nose right start your seven day free trial that gets you access to our special members-only Facebook group for training and mentorship and support and ask your question they’re the owners are they’re the technical people are they’re the marketing people are they’re the comp plan people are they’re the selling
People are they’re the the crazy people are they’re being Frank clobbering everybody’s in there guys so whatever question you have about tonight just get your 7 day free trial we’re not gonna bite you too hard I we’re going to slap you around a little bit if you ask really smart questions but now I’m just kidding but but you’re not going to get hurt get your 7 day free trial get into our group and if we get you’re really
Excited and profitable in power lead system we make more money too so it’s in our best interest to help you right so that’s why we want to get you in as at least as a 7-day free trial member we give you the entire product for free for seven days gold membership and you get access to the Facebook group for paying members and ask your question there so is that fair all right so 500 dollars a day 1000 dollars a day in a day I’m not saying every day in a day
How do you do that here’s a secret you I’ve been talking about it use smart systems that duplicate and then do it and then once you get your first sale or to teach it and keep it simple so many people try to become Gary Vaynerchuk rockstars Olin they want to be Grant Cardone day number one online I’m Grant Cardone he says to do this he says to do that I’m gonna rent a Lamborghini and a mansion in Florida and I’m gonna fake it till I break it right
The only thing you’re gonna break is your pocketbook and probably your face when your significant other bashes you in with the credit card bill right be smart guys but use a system use duplicate follow the system and keep it simple I mean man how many different ways do I have to say that tonight if you can get humans to this video it could make you a full time income from home just let them watch it let them simmer in our soup my friend its cash
Flow we are money for you trust the process this doesn’t have to be some big secret Illuminati people coming off scared you know is my boss gonna have to give me permission to build my own business I mean you know we’re not in the Soviet Union this is not Communist China guys no offense maybe I’m a patriot libertarian at heart liberty and freedom man this is capitalism this is you got your own business and you know who do
You have to ask for permission your grown person right start your own business trust the process this system sells feed it leads then when that brings you a team teacher team that the system sells and teach them to feed it leads the way you did right and that’s all I do guys I keep it so simple full-time cash you want to make some full-time money not just part-time money it’s okay if you want to make part-time money that’s fine
But I’m talking about full-time money how much money would you need to make monthly to qualify it as hey this is full-time would it have to be like for most people you’d be surprised in the year $15,000 a month they really it’s the last time you really made that much right exactly so what most people most real people that bleed and stuff they breathe air and eat food and drink water right they live around you and me like regular good full red-blooded
People that walk over humans I’m gonna tell you you know what if I can cover my rent man that’s full-time income to me 2,000 bucks 1,500 2,000 3,000 bucks a month clean that’s full-time income if I’m in the entrepreneurial accounting program where I can write off more of my business expenses legitly you know talking to your accountant and your your tax advisor and all that good stuff but man if you’re living on entrepreneurs
Accounting system you’re taking home a free and clear 2,000 extra a month 3,000 a month to many many people that could be a full-time job if considering this is from home on a laptop right you don’t have to buy all kinds of clothes and heels and stiletto heels and shoes and get on the freeway commute and buy Starbucks every day and buy your friends lunch because they got to seem like you’re more successful than you are over by a car and over by
Clothes and over by insurance and oh you know it costs money to have a job people people don’t realize that cost money to have a job cost money to keep a job – right here you develop that kind of cash flow without all that fat in the sandwich just lean meat or veggies and fruits if you’re so aligned right you can create full-time income by keeping this stuff simple using our automation and leveraging leveraging it’s a cash based system it generates leads for you
That’s our main product is created to help you learn how to generate leads for anything and give away a free system if you want let the system create the cash flow this system creates cash flow for you just get traffic into it keep it simple and duplicate all right power lead system we already know what it’s about get back to your sponsor go through the affiliate link check out the actual product line it’s an internet marketing tool suite with an affiliate
Marketing school built in you can use this to build any program sell any offer on the internet some of our highest paid people what they do is it get really good at creating what we call marketing sales funnels with power lead system they’ll create a self a sales funnel that looks really sexy and really functionable functional and they’ll run around and create those for individual business opportunity programs like XYZ company one two three company
They’ll build marketing funnels for them and they’ll tell their affiliates hey you want this funnel buy it for me and they have to join you know join them buy it through power lead system through their link and then they give them the share code to that funnel so they can go back to their main company and keep promoting it pretty cool stuff right anyway so just an idea of how we use it where are the recordings of all of these trainings log into your pls back-office
My company admin calm login to the training center click on refit for replays and you get 24 hour training it looks like that logging user name/password my company admin calm hover over training the red arrow that gets you the training center click on replays when you get there it’s going to take you to our YouTube channel where we only upload these training videos subscribe to that channel you are now connected to our main campus
Welcome to the University at power elite system affiliate marketing school for smart really smart people like you right and there we go now you’re plugged into training so what I want to do though is I want to go over here to show you how we break down this 501 thousand dollar day system to understand how that works I have to quickly review with you what American what affiliate marketing means to us here at pls it’s a business model we’re using affiliate are given your own
Link which leads people to a website or a marketing system you know multiple pages they have to click a button to get to the next page to learn about the comp plan all that stuff right we showcase the product for either complan everything and we sell our company’s products and services on that website marketing funnel marketing system right you as an affiliate get a link that leads people there so your objective as an affiliate is to refer people to your
Link so they can review and buy the company’s products you then receive commissions for those referrals so your mission here is to get your link and then give people to your link now we use a bunch of different ways to teach you to do that we advertise market promote build networks on social media but the main thing is to keep it simple get your link get traffic to your link and then plug into this training we give you training all the time your sponsor
Gives you access to training we give you training the back office has trained we have training everywhere guys but keep it simple okay so let me show you how to log in and start your business if you’re a brand new affiliate on the gold membership plan you want to log in at my company admin.com your back-office is gonna look like the picture on the left see the Big Easy green button right there it says click the easy button start here click on that that opens up
The getting started three simple steps video page that’s your orientation training watch the video it’s only 11 minutes if you watch that video and do what it says you will make money here if you think you’re too smart or whatever you fail to do that you procrastinate you do what you do and everywhere else you don’t do it you’re not gonna get the results is that fair alright so you watch the video then scroll under the video and you’re gonna see the three
Steps to getting started right step 1 join the face 4 group step 2 get a link to advertise below and step 3 get traffic to your link right just promote your link advertise your link I’m gonna show you how to do that in a second but that’s how to get started as a gold member that’s even before I show you my top recommended way now get the feel of it this way okay get the feel of it this way but once you’re a couple of days in a weekend i’ma tell you and your sponsor
Is going to tell you – they’re smart and want you to get paid so they can get paid they didn’t take the best way to get started really is to go into your back-office and click on the button to get your own domain name inside of the system we have training there shows you how to do that once you have your domain name we show you how to put these same funnels on your own domain so now you can share it on social media and not have any problem doing it that’s the
Best way to go but at first just do this at least your first week right while you’re learning to get your own domain name and hook everything up on your own domain because then it’s technically your own website pretty cool stuff right that’s how you get started as a gold member so now if you came in through the free lead system I mean look look at the idea here we give you a free lead system you as an affiliate give that away to other people
Other affiliate marketers other affiliate marketers you give away your free lead system to them now they have a free Marketing System that helps them generate leads and plug them into this training for doing that they have to get inside the system to work their leads plug into promotional tools figure out how works plug-in to training and get help right so they’re always in their back office this is what they see in their back office now they see hey wait
A minute how to make more money how to make 6 bucks per lead so I got this free lead system but what’s that about how to make 6 bucks per lead what’s that about so they click on that button now if you’re their sponsor when they punch that button in the face they’re gonna go to your lead lightning presentation and by now you probably already know that lead lightning is the next step up from free lead system it cost seven bucks one-time
No monthly fee and it pays you six dollars on every single sale forever no monthly fee no pass ups right that’s almost 100 percent commission guys that’s a good way to offset whatever it costs to get traffic for you your advertising your stickers your postcards your hats your t-shirts whatever you’re doing out there offline online if you’re making six bucks on a seven dollar sale and that leads to a twenty dollar per month membership that leads to a hundred
And a four hundred and a thousand dollar commission you’re starting with a free lead system that watts people in to a six dollar commission for every seven dollar sale you got yourself a goose laying some golden eggs okay so anyway that’s how that works automatically we begin to sell the rest of our memberships for you you just got to be qualified to earn as an affiliate on them how do you do that just buy it one time so is that a good use of $7 in
Your life absolutely right I mean come on I wouldn’t even talk in person anymore I let them go to my videos but if someone really told me yeah you know yeah I wanna make money I want to make full-time income on the internet but I’m not willing to invest seven bucks in my own business you know have you like really man let me make another peanut butter and jelly sandwich for my kid man has more value talking my seven-year-old and talking to you buddy I ain’t talked
To me when you’re serious right seven bucks one time it makes sense right that’s why this converts so well okay that’s why this converts so well it’s money on the table for you go get it the same way that everything works so if you want to get paid on the gold membership that pays you twenty bucks per member per month as an affiliate you got to be on that $53.00 membership guys three referrals and yours is free and there’s no no big deal there and the other one
You saw the other ones like what a hundred and forty seven dollar price point one time you get paid a hundred dollars per sale two referrals my friend two referrals you got all your money back in your in profit mode same thing on everything we sell here everything we sell is that good come on now you got to go all-in guys so you got to start investing in yourself so you can get paid more but anyway you do the same thing to get started free lead system
You punch that how do I get started button it’s going to open up the orientation training video you’re gonna watch the video and then you’re gonna enter your website that you’re selling below and then you’re gonna get a link to advertise and there you go same thing once you get inside the system I show you how to get your own domain name we also show you how to get the free lead system on your own domain as well so it’s on your own website pretty cool
Right so that’s how you do that then we plug you into training we show you a bunch of ways to get traffic then of course those of you starting with lead lightning you’re gonna log in to your back-office hey Sammy’s in the room with me guys my seven year old beautiful doctor is hanging out with daddy right so he said say hi people say wow they can hear you yeah we work from home yeah I’m in the cave right now just doing it alright so
Lead lighting right so when you log in to your lead lightning back-office and you want to learn how to get started you’re gonna see this so if you want to learn how to get started it’s very easy can’t break the system guys how do I get started right you click on that it’s going to do the same exact thing it’s going to put you on to the getting started three simple orientation training if you want to learn how to turbo boost your money even
Inside of lead lighting we start selling for you the other memberships you click on enhance my features or whatever it says now that’s an old image that says like turbo boost my money or something like that turbo boost my profits make even more money right and that’s gonna lead your prospects to your sales page for the gold membership if it’s a continuity funnel so wherever you got started if you guys start with rod for with Rob
Frazier Down Goes Frazier down go out the greatest ever write Muhammad Ali if you got started with Frank kelabra jr. got started with Linda chrome or if you got start with with car and petty if you got started with anybody your back off is gonna look like this and when people get started with you their back office is gonna look like this your information is going to be promoted there so we’re always building your team edifying and promoting you and your
Recommended income stream if you can see that picture it says hey click here to see your sponsors recommended income stream and you can plug in whatever you want to sell there right and then when they start clicking to upgrade you’re going to get the Commission’s for all those upgrades so they get upgraded by coming to the training they come they become upgraded by going to your funnel they become upgraded by logging into their back-office are always invited to
See the value in upgrading their membership right that’s called a continuity funnel if you can remember free lead system started at how much trick question free lead system started and how much right so you can offer something free to the marketing population out there in affiliate marketing land and automatically your continuity funnel begins to walk them up stab by step baby step by baby step to the $7 offer the $53 offer and then the
Hundred dollar Commission four hundred and one thousand dollar commission at that point they’re serious about being affiliates and we don’t have to over sell stuff we just you know we educate them they see where the values they go all in so that’s how you get started guys alright so that’s gonna plug into the getting start in three simple steps step number one join the support group step number two get your link in step number three get traffic to
Your links so how do you do that part right nobody tells me how to get traffic yes we do check it out if you’re just starting out go to your sponsor because however they got you you need to learn how they did that because you need to do that tactic because you know it works right your subconscious your unconscious mind that is always trying to protect you from dangerous changes in your life right they may get a little scary yeah
You know you know well I don’t know about that method I don’t know if it’ll work for me I don’t know if it really works to get traffic that way right that’s your subconscious doing its job protecting you from dangerous fear of the unknown change well we put a steering wheel and a big souped-up turbo engine to change here buddy so we’re going to show you how to drive changing your own life so you can create the kind of life that you want by
Creating extra cash flow online alright so we take you where you’re driving your change so sometimes we got to slap our little buddy subconscious down a little bit okay you got to manage them got to put them down a little bit got a sedate them with some on a little give them cheeseburger pizza don’t know watch some shows on Netflix right get your subconscious away for a little bit and but how do you get that how do you
Do that well the best way to do that is check this out well your sponsor did some kind of promotion to get you here right and you’re already a member you’ve already joined so your subconscious cannot argue with the fact that whatever your sponsor did that got you here it works and that’s why you need to go back to them whoever they are and figure out hey man how did I become your lead and learn how to do that tactic alright so now that I’ve covered that got your
Subconscious all handled let me tell you something in general now if you don’t have a great sponsor this now what or whatever the case may be it’s my responsibility to show you a way to start generating leads into your real internet affiliate marketing business within 24 – 48 hours this is how to do it go to dfy solos comm give them the link that we just taught you how to get that’s it give them your lead generation page link
Your funnel link and buy traffic here at least start there I know without a shadow of a doubt you will have prospects to follow up with an email leads in your system within 24 to 48 hours because I use them and because the owner of this traffic spot doesn’t pay anybody any Commission there’s no affiliate deal in him it’s just good solid targeted traffic that we use at a good fair price and the owner of this traffic store here is also a member of
Power lead system his name is clay as a good guy got a lot of experience you’re gonna get some leads you just need some leads then plug in to your sponsor and everything else to learn how to generate your own leads but at least I gave you a spot where you can automate it and leverage it Zephir alright cool so that’s how you that’s how you get started guys and once you begin to do that how did the five hundred dollar day what we already kind of covered you guys
It’s a system right you drive you focus on number one and number one only drive traffic to the system the system is going to start to do your presentations 24/7 the system is going to also start to follow up with your leads and bring them on to this educational coaching session right that’s gonna generate your first sales now you’ve got a pipeline of business for first time sales you get some money in your pocket not matter whether it’s twenty bucks or seven bucks
Six bucks commissions you know on the seven dollar sale that matter you got a pipeline generating some cash flow so now you scale up and you also take those first-time buyers and you plug them into our training environment is that’s gonna retain a month a month a month and it’s also going to put them on this video and they’re gonna see how to make real money here and that back end parking is what will start creating the hundred and four hundred dollar commissions when one
Person goes all-in you get five hundred bucks in commissions right there you can get the thousand dollars when they get to the master level right and that’s how you start creating the back-end marketing funnel that’s your full time money is that fair a pretty understandable that’s what we created for you and all you got to do is run them in to the system right what do you have to do to that learn a very simple invitation to give to people
Either online or offline but if you’re on social media or offline you got to get to the point where he just basically asking people hey are you open to learning a simple way to make money online and then give them your link after that right on Facebook with our training I’ll show you in a second we’re gonna show you how to build your audience on facebook from scratch and also how to monetize that audience by moving them mobilizing your audience to
Want to click on your links it’s that pretty cool it’s inside our training all you got to do is be an affiliate and we get you in there it’s pretty easy stuff guys we show you how post pictures like this with little little comments little sayings little little posts that lead people to your link for free training on how to make money online you see some headlines like this right hey you don’t want to be that person right Bloomberg story Americans are retiring later dying
Sooner how depressing is that and they’re sicker in between well man who wants to be a part of that system right well learn a different way to make your own money and take control your finances alright start here you know I show you how to build a cash flow system on the Internet and that leads right into power lead system so we can we can show you how to do what you’re already doing on Facebook but do it a little more targeted on some
Of your posts and run people to images like this that invite them to click on your link and they come in with images like this or this or this we got them all over the place guys it’s inside of our training you just got to be an affiliate to get that for free you don’t have to pay 300 bucks for that training like the rest of the the internet does out there when it’s just being sold online you can get it for free it’s inside our back-office when you are in a
Iliad that upgrade to affiliate it’s like 23 bucks a month right build an audience and monetize your audience on social media but I also show you without social media how to just run targeted leads into a funnel system that automates the presentation makes you money that way how does that look it looks like this right how to create viral duplication for your opportunity number one you have got to get started right so you sign up number
Two you get your link and get traffic to it the way I just showed you how to do it those leads are gonna come in the system is gonna present and sell now you have new people coming in what are you gonna do with them put them on this video so you can watch this slide pretty much right you want them doing this and they start doing it they go to step number one they buy quality traffic and do you fly solos com then they go to your the
Lead capture page of their funnel right that those leads are flowing into the lead capture page however it looks doesn’t matter it doesn’t have to look like this one it’s just an example I just used for this slide but they come into your lead capture page so you’re building an email list and a phone number list if you’re collecting phone numbers very valuable these days with cell phones you can text message them back now they go to the video sales
Presentation right there watching that video then the email follow-up system starts turning your cold traffic into warm prospects and in a hop buyers and you still own the list you can still send them emails and promote your high ticket offer talk about the other products and power lead system you can predictably build a true internet lifestyle income in as little as 30 minutes a day using just what I just showed you tiny little cute little ads
And simple messages and follow-up emails of the system pretty cool right you can do it then you plug them into this very overview hangout system if you generate a sale and you plug that affiliate in to me here at affiliate marketing school with this overview hang-up and the Thursday training like this I’m teaching you duplication to your team right replication and duplication is what’s gonna make you big-time money and the way to do it is not to over complicate
It you got it keep it simple use a funnel make a sale plug into training use a funnel make a sale and then plug them into this training use a funnel make a sale plug them into this training because the only thing I do here is I teach and preach replication and duplication without reinventing the now if they want to go run around the back office and spend 16,000 days or whatever creating funnels
Forever and not promoting that’s on them right they can do that now gonna be too productive but if they want to make a full-time income they’re gonna get a sexy funnel they’re gonna drive traffic to it slam it daily they’re going to generate a sale using those funnels and they’re gonna plug those people into this training keep it easy keep it simple live your life have systems doing the grunt work for you is that pretty cool
I’m trying to explain it in a very friendly way without doing backflips here or have my head explode got to teach this all the time you’d be amazed man you’d figure you would think that everybody wanted to keep it this simple human nature right so we got to fight to keep it simple guys get in get all in get traffic to your Lincoln and get to our training why because keeping it simple is the only thing the masses will duplicate that’s the only thing they’re
Not going to duplicate your fancy Gary Vaynerchuk drank car going stick on Facebook you’re you know fake it till you make it stuff they’re not gonna duplicate it’s gonna scare them off to death they’ll buy from you but then they’ll quit after a couple months they won’t upgrade and they’ll run away because they’ll figure out I’m not gonna do all that that’s embarrassing right gotta keep it simple keep it automated guys let systems do it why fight it all
Right I got support we got training everywhere support system training center got the training VIP Club we create all kinds of professional-looking sites and templates for you we give you the share cuz they’re back there training VIP Club in the back office capture pages sales pages compensation plan watch the video the comp plan bill already we already talked about the comp plan anyway so he can fly through this thing we talked about the 50% match
Pause the video you want to really study it pause the video here you know on the recording and just read through it again it’s in the beginning of this this episode though right remember guys there’s absolutely no limit to how many personal referrals you can bring here all paying you 50 percent matching bonus every month you can have ten fifty a hundred referrals or more making you money right you just gotta remember for a year just put your head down and just
Go man just go for a year don’t breathe don’t call me with questions don’t you just get traffic for a year whenever you can and do your follow-up train just follow with those leads and invite them to free training on a simple way to make a ton of money online just do it most people are not gonna pay attention they don’t pay attention to me either right join the club there’s nothing magic that I say that converts sales I just do it with everybody I tell them to
Get on this video if they want to make money pay attention right that’s what I tell them put them on this video that’s all I do doesn’t work for me all the time either it sales and marketing guys nothing is a hundred percent but the people that do a more consistent get more results right so join now get started less than two bucks a days fifty three bucks a month guys gold membership let’s not even let’s not we can we not even have a
Debate about that I get people here that have just paid like fifteen thousand bucks to some guru making no money they want to talk about fifty three dollars right yes they’re on there in like 17,000 different MLMs every single one of them they’re on auto-ship one hundred fifty bucks they got soap and vitamins and cookies and weight loss you know so much weight loss cookies that they weigh like 400 pounds I’m just playing guys but yeah
They they’re on all kinds of auto ships that are way more than this but they want to talk about fifty three bucks you know what let’s some of those auto ships go man alright get this let me show you how to make some full-time money then you can buy all the emblems you buy the whole company on here get set up start referring others immediately you get paid residual income from your referrals to right then your referrals go to work and you make even more money what what
Is there to think about man get started by two bucks a day to run this business not three hundred bucks not a two hundred bucks a month it’s two dollars a day right cheaper than whatever you ate today I guarantee that so at least start with the free seven-day trial guys plug into everything get your unlimited custom lead capture pages built in an email autoresponder system written email campaigns for you step-by-step traffic
And lead tranning affiliate program and viral commissions we run the online a wallet that pays you every single weekly payout live trainings like this commune and more get started pause this slide read it I gotta go I’m past my time right oh let me say goodnight hold on a second guys you guys having fun yet I figure if you’re gonna make money on the internet you gotta make it in a way that you can have some fun right get in
Want to make full time income get all-in that’s what I’m gonna say a hundred percent of the time I’m gonna tell people just plug into the training get your link get traffic to that link and then plug into our school our affiliate marketing school so that you can begin to expand your skill sets on generating leads there this is not brain surgery it’s not rocket science the people that stick to it they are the ones that make consistent income in any of these types
Of businesses I haven’t seen one that does the front and the back end training education support funnel systems simplified complex simplified funnels like we do I’m just gonna lay it straight man I think this is probably for newbies especially and especially especially for experienced affiliate marketers you’ve been through a couple of rodeos you know how much of this stuff you have to reinvent all the time for your team I used to do that too why
Slam traffic refer to system edify system leverage system automate system and get paid go live go live your life right anyway Franco for the power lead system family man if you’re brand new congratulations made a good decision we’re gonna guide you to money that’s how we get paid more and I’ll find you inside the group plug into the getting started training plug into this weekly training it runs 24 hours a day seven days a week on your
Own page do the orientation training run traffic at your funnel follow up with those good people and invite them to free training on a cool simple way to learn how to make full time money online and that’s it put them in the system you use the system and get yourself positioned to earn the kind of commissions you really want to earn you only have to upgrade one time and you earn that level of income forever remember even if you go all-in
If 1500 bucks but now you can get that thousand dollar commission 2 referrals that’s $2,000 in commissions in your pocket and 1,500 bucks to get position there just do it optimize your positioning here so I can help you that way you can run people to the video this video sells upgrades puts people all in all that kind of mess this video creates a mess of money I want the mess of money flowing to you
My friend get positioned to earn it and receive it and when you do put those people on the back plug them in to training and go talk about your results online you are not gonna need a lot more marketing training after that believe me all right so anyway with that for the entire power lead system family welcome to power lead system I’ll see you next week live use this video guys put it on your own funnels do whatever you got the rights to it just use it you don’t have
To ask me let me sell for you let me teach me preach for you that’s what it’s all about let me make you some money I’ll see you next week bye for now